
Email feedback form not sending emails

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  • Answered

Hi, I have an email contact form on a Wordpress website with Inmotion. But it doesn't send the email, and I'm trying to figure out why.

I have used a feedback form from "The Site Wizard" for many years before I moved my site to Inmotion, and I know it worked. A form is placed on a Wordpress HTML page and it calls a PHP file that sends the email and then loads a Wordpress page saying "Thank you". The PHP file is working because the "Thank you" page is indeed shown. But an email isn't received and presumably isn't sent.

Now I presume there is some bug in my PHP code, but I thought I should just check please.

Is there anything in how Inmotion manages its servers that would prevent an email being sent in this way?



That's really helpful thanks.

IMH Support Agent 2
Quote from EricH

Thanks, I'll give it a try.

(Dunno why I came out as "Anonymous as I was logged in!)

Hello EricH - I'm not sure why it set you as anonymous if you were logged in, but your responses are both identified.  Thanks for making sure!

Arnel C.

IMH Support Agent 2
Quote from EricH

Sorry, I have another question please. I use Mailpoet to organise subscriptions and send subscribers notices of new posts. Could it be used to do this task instead of installing Easy WP SMTP? Thanks again.

Hello EricH,

Thanks for your reply. You can use Mailpoet as it does use SMTP.  There is a guide you can use for setting up the Mailpoet plugin with SMTP if needed.

If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

Kindest Regards,

Arnel C.


Sorry, I have another question please. I use Mailpoet to organise subscriptions and send subscribers notices of new posts. Could it be used to do this task instead of installing Easy WP SMTP? Thanks again.


Thanks, I'll give it a try.

(Dunno why I came out as "Anonymous as I was logged in!)

IMH Support Agent 2
  • Answered


Sorry for the issue with the email.  The problem may likely be related to how the email is being authenticated.  For security purposes, all emails should be using SMTP for authentication.  You can easily set up SMTP using a plugin for WordPress.  Once the email authenticates correctly, it should work with no issues.

If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

Kindest Regards,

Arnel C.